Dear A Lin,
The best way to solve your problem is to live in the moment and embrace a casual heart in facing any situations. I embrace change, and take aging process an promotion to the next stage in life where I become wiser, more matured, more contented and getting closer to the truth of life. I do not see it an regrettable even but a benchmark of alleviation of my life quality.
Many things in life are a result of our proactiveness. In other words, you create your own life and the conditions that lead you to the ideal situation you prefer best. I realise that if I allow my state of mind and happiness to depend on external factors too much, I am at the same time deprive myself of a peaceful and blissful mind.
I talk a lot after reading from you not because I like to lecture or to show you I am more superior, but just to tell you in another way that I too see and realise the existence of the same problems as you face when advancing towards age 40. But I take proactiveness to turn the external factors around instead of allowing then to take charge of my state of mind. I wish to make my mind to lead instead of allowing the external surrounding to.
Cheers, to a 40-to-be woman.
18 September 2009 21:09
40 is still young