
JJA and qubit calculation

I have now talking up a numerical project to calculate superconducting flux qubit. Much basic knowledge not known to me before is required. i wish to take this opportunity to tidy up a bit on the whole idea of the project, and hopefully through this short discussion a clearer and more concrete picture could emerged.

First of all, the proposed project, let's call it the flux qubit project (FQP), comprised of two components: the theoretical and the computational one. we have to know the theoretical concept first before attacking the problem at hand computationally.

The theoretical part is as follows. The problem at hand is that we have now a new type of flux qubit system, i call it 4 x 3 JJA. This is a proposal not seen anywhere in the literature because the proposer Hans Mooij has not really published it. The geometry of the 4x3 JJA is very much similar to the one mentioned in the Master thesis by Martijn (2009, Theoretical Group, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delf). What we have is a quantum system (which is not microscopic but a macroscopic circuit of the micron size). This is a quantum system comprised of a large number of Josephson junctions (24 to be exact). To understand what this 4x3 JJA is good for, we have to understand how a single JJ works. And this in turns requires some basic knowledge in quantum mechanics, e.g. the idea of conjugate variables (e.g., {p, x}, {E,t}). In the case of a single JJ, the conjugate quantum variables are {q,phi}, where q is related to the excess number of cooper pair stored in the JJ [via q = n*(2e)], where phi is the phase difference across the JJ. In the practical implementation of a flux qubit, one normally does make some approximation to the quantum circuit to render the fluctuation in q irrelevant, so that only the variable phi is the dominant variable. q, however, is still important as its quantum fluctuation is necessary to induce quantum mixing. phi can be taken effectively as a quantised magnetic flux flowing through the JJ loop that can be detected. Its value is extremely tiny, phi \sim Phi_0, where Phi_0 = h/(2e) is the scale of quantum of magnetisation. phi (synonym to the quantum magnetic flux, or fluxon), due to its quantum character, is the quantum degree of freedom that plays the role of qubit in flux qubit. qubit is the quantity we want to manipulate finally (in a real quantum computer), hence the knowledge of how this qubit behaves is essential.

The behaviour of a flux qubit is governed by quantum mechanics. Any qubit must display a 'two-level' behavior. Under certain circumstance, the phase psi in JJ does behave like a two-level system (but this is not true in general). Hence, I really need to understand the quantum mechanical description of a two-level system, and how a flux in a JJA can be display such a two-level behavior quantum mechanically.
To describe the 4x3 JJA the quantum mechanical equations have to be written down (which has already done by Mooij). The most important quantity is the Hamiltonian. In general, once the Hamiltonian of a quantum system is written down, the behavior of the system is completely determined. What one does is then to first find out the ground state of the system. To this end, one solves the time independent Shrodinger equation to obtain the energy spectrum of the system. Basically, what is gained from this calculation is the energy of the system as a function of the external environment variables in time independent case. The degree of freedoms here are the phases (9 of them in total) in the JJA. In a single JJ, there is only one such DOE. In a JJA, there are many, and the solution to the quantum problem becomes complicated. Referring to the statement mentioned above (that 'the system must display two level behavior), one ought to make sure that, under certain restricted conditions (e.g the external magnetic bias, the so-call frustration), the energy spectrum obtained displays a profile of two weakly coupled ground states for the dof concerned (see e.g. the energy profile in page 10, Figure 2.2 of Floor Paauw's PhD thesis, 2009, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft). Such ground state is in turn conveniently described by the Hamiltonian Eq. (2.4) of Paauw's thesis in page 12. Essentially this Hamiltonian (which is a reduced version of the more general Hamiltonian for the whole JJA) describes the quantum mechanics of a quantum spin that has two nearly degenerate lowest ground states which are weakly coupled via the coupling terms \Delta. This \Delta term is directly related to the fluctuation of the charge q alluded to earlier. Whereas the term \epsilon controls the energy barrier that separate the two ground states of the spin. \epsilon in practice is controllable in experiment via the external magnetic frustration. Due to the presence of the coupling term \Delta, the two approximately degenerate ground states of the flux 'mix' giving rise to superposition of states. The coupling term \Delta is the 'source' of quantum behavior in the spin, otherwise, if \delta → 0 the system is reduced to a classical Ising model. The description of mixing mechanism in quantum mechanics is very much similar in spirit to the coupled quantum oscillators or Zeeman effect in atomic physics mentioned in many standard text book.

This spin model of the qubit is taken from the quantum Ising Model. If I understand how quantum mechanics describes the Ising model, I can just take over the well-known results and the interpretation of the quantum Ising Model to apply it here. In a generic Ising model, the spin only takes on two values, labelled |uparrow> and |downarrow>. Hence a qubit that has only two quantum states can be 'mapped' to a spin (which also has only two states). The mathematical description of a spin can equally well be applied to a qubit. In other words, the behavior of a qubit can be imagined to be well represented by that of a quantum spin. In basic quantum mechanical text book one often read about illustrative examples on quantum mechanical calculation done on Ising Model and also on coupled harmonic oscillators. That's why I say I need basic knowledge in quantum mechanics to understand the behavior of the flux qubit.

OK. the task comes in steps. The first step is to establish the two-level behavior of the qubit so that it can be described by the spin Hamiltonian of Eq. (2.4) in Pauuw's thesis. This initial step is by no way a trivial one although it's also not that difficult to establish. Mooij has made this step for us. There are papers published by others who reported solely on the discovery of 'yet another two-level system' suitable as a potential qubit. In these paper they merely reported that they have found another JJA system which in certain limit reduced to the two-level spin Hamiltonian of Eq. (2.4), leaving the details to the others.

The time independent calculation of the GS energy is only the first step. I also need to work out the excited state energy spectrum. The GS of the JJA can be calculated using a version of quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) called Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC), and it is not a difficulty task. Martijn has already done it in his Master thesis. The excited state is slightly difficult. It will be tackled using excited state Monte Carlo Monte Carlo (ESMC).

Once the time independent ground state energy of the JJA is solved, I will proceed further to trace out the time evolution of the qubit system starting from its stationary (i.e. time-independent) solution. Technically, if the Hamiltonian H and the solution of the quantum state at t=0 is known, then the evolution of its states can be obtained via
|state(t)> = exp(iH*t)|state(t=0)>.
The theories, methodology and other technical details of this I am still learning, but in principle it's nothing more that a routine calculation for those who know how to use quantum mechanics at their finger tips (no me though). Any basic quantum mechanics textbook will talk about this. I hope that I will be able to write to more about this part on how to trace the time evolution of qubit soon (i.e when I understand them better).

There are still one more thing i have not clarify. As mentioned in the beginning of this 'article', this project also contains a 'computational aspect'. Pragmatically, this is the real task that I have to work on. Understanding the theoretical framework and methodologies in QM calculation are only the first step. The real dirty job is to solve the quantum equations. In our case concerned, we have to use computer to solve it by writing Fortran codes. This is the kind of dirty job I am working on now. Numerical and computational strategies to solve QM system are a big field by itself. For this matter, the book by Thijssen is essentially useful. For small system, often there are standard numerical techniques/methods available to solve our problem. For example, one often heard about some jargons in computational quantum mechanics e.g. Ritz variational method, Hartree-Fock, Density functional theory, Lanczos method, Quantum Monte Carlo, generalisd eigen value problem, optimisation etc. Two years ago i am still very ignorant of all these jargon. But now i think i am now more or less (at least in principle) understand what these things are and how to implement them in my computer. These are all 'standard technical trick' that one uses in routine basis to solve quantum mechanical problems. However, i suppose that the ability to know how to use computer to solve a generalised quantum mechanical Hamiltonian is not a very common knowledge even for experienced researchers.

The main issue one often encounter is that for a quantum system having too large a number of degree of freedoms, or a complicated interactions (as described by the Hamiltonian), computer power simply becomes not enough since the Fock space in which the solution lies increases exponentially with every additional degree of freedom. The larger the Fock space is the search for the solution simply needs more step to iterate, hence longer time. One often have to use alternative or clever computational tricks to circumvent this bottle neck. One common 'master tool' is to resort to QMC method when everything else does not work.

Well, the above is a simplified (and maybe erroneous) description of how i understand the project. I had no rigorous training in quantum mechanics in the past. However i really find it intellectually satisfying to learn, understand and actually calculate with quantum mechanics. QM is such an important and essential subject for anyone who want to deal with the fundamental aspects of our materialistic universe. I consider it a very very important tool that every serious theoretical physicist must master. It is unfortunate that USM treats QM as an optional subject and never want to stress on this. QM is so powerful that one cannot do without when dealing with physics at their fundamental level. For example, for anyone who wishes to research in material's physics at the nanoscale (nano science), without QM one can only scratch the surface of the core problem. So is semiconductor science, magnetism or optoelectronics. Our current materialistic development all owes their success to our ability to use QM to investigate the behavior of matter at their most fundamental level. I recall that a student once mentioned enthusiastically that he wants to learn QM. Now i think i have also developed similar kind of excitement. I gradually start to realise how ESSENTIAL QM is for fundamental physics research. With it one can do many many things in physics research.

As a last remark, one feels very empowered when envisaging the scenario where one has mastered the technical details of quantum theoretical technology, and further, is able to use the computational techniques learn to solve a generic quantum Hamiltonian. Give me a Hamiltonian which is otherwise difficult to probe analytically, and i will tell u how the system behaves using the computational methods.

August 09

Particle physics and Indiana Jones

Particle physics really has this special ummph that makes its researchers to feel like being truth seekers of the deepest mystery of the universe. I was once admirer of such noble pursuit, and maybe I still am. I can imagine when one look at the particle tracks and match them with the known laws of physics, one may feel like an Indiana Jones in search of cosmic relics for truth. In my research life in Melbourne there was no contact with real experiments. I only look at experimental figures from the arXive but never directly performing any serious analysis on experimental data (though my boss did), since my research emphasis is on theoretical modeling. However out group did write many experimental data analysis and arguing for their interpretations. It seems to me that analysing experimental data involves much statistics and is quite a specialised field by itself, at least it is not taught at the undergraduate level. Anyway I was once quite interested in the statistical analysis and data interpretation (the curiosity was aroused mainly because I always see my boss and his collaborator writes papers on this). So there are some terminology were heard over the times, some of which I know a little but never entire clear about, e.g. bins, chi-squared, 2.5 sigma signal, 5 sigma signal, parameter spaces, best fit parameters, 99.9% confidence level (which is ironically not considered a sufficient criteria to established an experimental signal), etc. Sometimes ago driven by pure curiosity I took up the book by the Oxford physicist Louis Lyons to make some light reading. since I am not in the business of actually performing the data analysis (and has no data to access) I have not done any exercises on the data analysis. I then gradually digressed to learn up computational physics stuff instead of sitting down to try out some particle statistics analysis research.

Once upon a time I was amazed to know that we can actually 'simulate' an experiment using Monte Carlo before the experiment is carried out. Lyonn's book mentioned a bit about it but never go in depth. My curiosity in the technical details of how one actually do this still remains until today. I have this impression that actually anyone who are keen enough can perform his own analysis using his own computers by accessing the original data remotely into the particle physics lab freely, provided that he has the technical knowledge..

Some thoughts on quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is almost all about application. It's a 'known law of physics'. Quantum computation is about manipulating the known laws of QM to process information. If QM is all about 'theory' then it would be useless is the sense that it cannot be used for application at all. For example, Feynman diagram calculation is an example of application of quantum field theory. The laws governing interactions between light and atoms, i.e. QED, is also application of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Formulation of new theory, say, say an alternative approach for quantum mechanics, is an extremely difficult stuff to do (as far as I am concerned). Formulation of 'new theory', as a prerequisite would require it's inventor tremendous amount of experience in application of existing theory. Quantum optics is also an quantum 'application'. It makes use of quantum interactions to describe exotic behaviour between light and atoms under specific conditions to see if there is any 'exotic' phenomena can be predicted and tested experimentally. But quantum optics itself is not a new formulation of QM but merely an application.

So my opinion is that a physics student has to learn more application of quantum mechanics. Although the quantum laws are known, the effects that could result under certain exotic physical conditions could be very very interesting. In other words, the law of QM may be pretty much 'dead' but the consequences of it could be infinitely many, of which some are not known before. For example Josephson junction is a consequence of quantum mechanical laws but was not known until the 1970s when Josephson (then just a graduate student in Cambridge) 'discovered' it. If one really wants to discover exotic thing like Josephson, he/she must gone through many 'application' exercises before exploring further into the more fundamental aspect of the law of quantum mechanics.

My first week in Delft

Delft is a nice, small and historic town. I think it is also much nice than Melbourne or Sydney. It's old, and the canals add much beauty to the scenery. I enjoy cycling around the city and jog along the canal. Most of the time I cycle or jog alone. Occasionally I went out with some new friends here. People are very nice and interactive, esp. those graduate students from our group. I think the fellowship in the research group is healthy and delightful. Some foreign graduate students really take effort to organise group activities. I tell myself that I will join this activities as much as I can during weekends.

Yesterday night my 'boss' invited three of his research guests (me and two Americans) to his house for dinner, which make a very memorable experience. The interesting part was that we began our dinner at around 7 pm, and chat until 11pm at night. Since it is summer the sky gets dark only by 10 pm. The host played some classical music in the dinning hall, and occasionally there were long quite moments where everyone was just listening to the classical. Wow, I never experience such kind of moment. In Penang, in a gathering of similar kind, I usually won't 'allow' moment of silence to happen. But the experience last night was different. its romantic and special to me.

For the last few days I managed to do something that I almost can't hardly do successfully in Penang: I manage to wake up early (typically before 8 am), and manage to do a short period of mediation after waking up. My plan is that I wish to change as much as I manage some life style or daily habit, and also to raise myself to a higher intellectual level during this sabbatical leave period. I think in Penang I was always very 'huaxin' - flowery heart-ed, and can hardly able to concentrate for long hours to do extended period of study or thinking. Here I will try to change that. I actually admire the westerners who generally has good degree of concentration and discipline. By associate myself with many such intellectual I wish to also gain more such quality.

09 June 2009 6:15

A virtual experience with OS

After i visited Jonni's home in Melbourne, Jan 09, and witnessed his XPS laptop, I decided to get one for myself. I have been using my new Dell XPS M1330 for quite a few month by now. it is shipped with a built-in Vista 32 bit home basic (cheapest possible Windows). Recently the Vista suffered a series of serious clashes after automatic updating , so much so that I am forced to do multiple times system reinstallation. Anyone had experienced the same tragedy?

I have installed a Ubuntu 9.x 64 bits in the my laptop. Ubuntu has its own problem, esp. I can't get into the wireless in my working place which requires some sort of security authentication. The wireless authentication seems to require some sort of 'radius' certificate before it can accept the login. I can log in wireless easily with Vista which has this radius, but no luck with Ubuntu.

So I am trying an alternative way to fix the problem. The policy in TU Delft has it that guest can't used the wired LAN cable with laptops. so what I am doing as an attempt to circumvent the problem is to install Vbox (from SUN) in my Ubuntu. The Vbox virtual machine was up and running in the Ubuntu. Fine. Then I put in my Vista installation disk and get the installation running inside the Vbox. The installation went on well, so now I have a Ubuntu host and a vista guest. But the problem is: The Vista guest can get wired internet connection but not the wireless one. The problem is that the wireless driver in the Dell XPS M1330 cannot be installed inside the virtual machines. When I attempted to install the missing network controller drivers from the Dell Installation CD for drivers, permission was denied, claiming that the driver is not meant for a `32 bit application'. I even tried to download the latest driver from support.dell.com , but I got the same denial: The drivers (packaged in R12345x.exe form) just can't get installed. The wireless network controller in the virtual vista just refused to work. So, how can I make the virtual Vista installed in the vbox running in my Ubuntu to detect wireless signals? I have spent quit a bit of time trying to solve this issue since the last few days, including googling in the net, including this one http://johnpaulett.com/2007/03/25/vista-on-ubuntu-using-virtualbox/ but it did not solve my problem.

So, I actually did successfully install a Vista guest in my Ubuntu 9 host's Vbox, and the guest Vista also connect to wired internet as well. Just that the virtual Vista does not detect the wireless network card, other wise it works quite OK. There is a problem to install Windows XP 64 bit in the Dell XPS M1330, as many drivers are not provided by Dell. I actually have adopted Jonni's solutions (as a matter of fact I had tried almost all possible combination, e,g, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista as guest, vbox in vista, Vbox in Ubuntu 9 etc. All didn't work out the way I want them to be. My experience confirm the rumor that Vista 32 home basic is the lousiest OS.

At this point I decide not to spend time to trouble shoot it anymore. I had spent too much time to debug the above issues. I also discovered that I can't be disciplined enough to let go of minor things that are of no importance. The virtual machine issue is a good example. It's actually not a very essential issues to settle, but I spent weeks to do it (almost uncontrollably), and left the more hard core problem of physics programming not done. I suspect this is a manifestation of my tendency to shunt difficult problem. Almost every day, after waking up, I have to look into the mirror to remind myself not to repeat the same tendency on that day. I get to feel more deeply that cultivation spirituality is a process that requires right effort, energy and constant reminder, as our intrinsic nature is dominated by the tendency to drown into laziness.

10 August 2009 2:19






Should you take up physics?

It is always good to know that there are students wanting to become a physicist,especially those with a brilliant brain. As the way I see it, in overseas, the most gifted student will normally end up in their countries' best physics school. After graduation, they become the most versatile problem solvers in most technical jobs.

But for young enthusiasts in Malaysia, the job prospects of a physics degree is always an issue. I wish to offer my opinion on this.

One should consider to further his postgraduate after a basic physics degree, because only by doing so will one sees the best benefit to be a physicist. A B.Sc (with or without Hons.) does not qualify one to be a physicist, so a B.Sc in physics is comparatively less competitive in terms of job market value. A M.Sc (by research) or PhD in physics is in a much different category than a mere bachelor degree. With a postgraduate degree one can do much more. The level of competition is also very much different from those who only hold a B.Sc. In general people who are very much into physics will go for a higher degree else it would be of not much use. So if one is considering physics as a career in the long run, she/he should prepare for a further study to higher level. If one only wants to get a mundane job after a B.Sc then engineering or other applied science field may be more practical.

So my advice to those who want to do a physics course depends very much on the motivation of that individual. In most cases, Malaysian students, being influenced by the survival mentality and shortsightedness of their parents and society, only want a mundane live and having a mundane job after their bachelor degree. For these people, who lack the necessarily motivation to become a physicist, a physics degree is probably not the best choice as it offers a much lower job market value compared to other professional fields of specialisation (engineering, for example). Further, if he/she has only a mundane talent or a very weak mind for physics, it's better for him/her to do something else (computer engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, direct sales, sale engineers...). But for those minds which are quite above average and truly with really strong motivation to become a physicist, who are willing to sacrifice years of hard life to earn his/her M.Sc or Ph.D, then I strongly encourage him/her to take up physics.

For those who are exceptionally good in everything, of course then he/she will do excellently in whatever fields he/she choose to hope in.




我夜间很少很少到市区去,发现到原来夜里的代尔夫特小镇更有风情。夏夜清凉,晚风轻拂,橙黄的灯光在运河里闪烁,处处乐韵,人群欢乐起舞,气氛浪漫,街头的各色美女密度忽然间提高了许多,有点花多眼乱。我跟巴西朋友蛇进有队玩爵士乐的酒馆,要了每人两欧元的可乐,细细的沉浸在爵士的世界里。巴西男孩说貌似墨西哥人的吉他手play with his soul,我也不知道是真是假。



16 August 2009 20:41

A computational physics project for final year phyiscs student: The Kratzer oscillator

Here is one computational problem I proposed to be solved as a final year project: Solve the energy spectrum of a particle subjected to a central potential V(are) using perturbative method you have learned.

In general, a particle subjected to a potential V(are) is governed by the Hamiltonin H = K + V(are), where K = -(d^2/dx^2)(hbar/2*m) is the kinetic energy operator.

To begin with, first, use perturbative method to write down the general expression of the energy spectrum in terms of a generic central potential, V(are). Once that is obtained, then proceed to solve the energy spectrum of the Kratzer oscillator [1,2] given by V(are) = -C_1/are + C_2/are^2, C_1, C_2 >0. Then, proceed to calculate the vibration-rotational spectral of diamtic molecules. The potential for such a molecule has, in addition to the Kratzer oscillator term, an extra contribution of (hbar^2)J(J+1)/(2*m*are^2), with J=0,1,2,...

The result should looks like the following:
epsilon_n = a function of (integer nunber n, the parameters of the Kratzer potential C_1,C_2, the mass m, and J from the rotational term the potential).

With the explicit expression of epsilon_n obtained, use a very simple mathematical program to evaluate the numerical values of set of the energy spectrum epsilon_n for a set of fixed parameters {m,C_1,C_2}.

In general, in QM, what one means when one says `solve the quantum problem, or the solution to the Hamiltonian', is the following: Given a hamiltonian, find out all the eigenvalues of the energies of this hamiltonian. The eigenvalues of the energy also goes by the name `the energy spectrum'. Given a hamiltonian, your job is simply to find out what the energy spectrum is for these hamiltonians.

The major difference between the kratzer oscillator and the simple harmoic oscillator (SHM) lies in their potentials. For SHM, the potential is V = (1/2)kx^2, whereas in the case here the V simply takes a different form, its V = (C_1)/are + (C_2)/are^2. To solve it perturbatively means to expand the potential into a suitable form of infinite series and then work out the coefficients of the series.

The solution to the Kratzer oscillator does not make use of the solution from SHO. The perturbative series of the Kratzer oscillator have to be first derived. However, if one knows how to treat SHM using perturbation method, then one can treat any other similar system, including the kratzer oscillator using similar method.

In principle, the first two terms in the taylor expansion of the potential can be considered as the 'non-perturbative' terms, and the next term down the series expansion of V is considered 'perturbed'. However, in this case, unlike the SHM case, one doesn't know the solution even to the unperturbed part. Operationally, in this case you dont really need to know which are is the 'perturbed part' and which is the 'unperturbed part' because the solution to the 'unperturbed' hamiltoinian is unknowned. This is unlike the SHM case where you know the solution to the 'unperturbed' energies, (n+1/2)h*omega.

[1] ter Haar, D., Problems in Quantum M echanics, Pion, London, 3rd ed., 1975, pg. 357.
[2] Fernandez, F.M. and Castro, E.A., Algebraic Methods in Quantum Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 19996, pg. 94.
[3] Oglilvie, J.F., The vibrational and rotational spectometer of diatomic melecules, Academic Press, San Diego, 1998, pg. 87.

Fwd: Fw: Dangerous Chicken Wings:我的标准反应

又是垃圾邮件,这次的是‘Fwd: Fw: Dangerous Chicken Wings

通常垃圾邮件都是以 ‘Fwd: Fw...’作为开头的。


我想信吃肉是不好的,可能烧鸡翅膀也有坏处。但这文章是明显不是以客观科学的角度来说话,倒是象八卦新闻的以讹传讹多一点。很多人很轻易把道听途说,或自我印证的芝麻小事放大,然后当成可有可无的消息乱乱分发。还亏帮原文的作者Sharon How传福音的人把不知对错真假的即兴内容沾沾自喜(但大部分时候是过目就忘)。



03 September 2009 4:48

附录:Fwd: Fw: Dangerous Chicken Wings 的原文:

Chicken Wings - Its Dangerous

Avoid eating chicken wings frequently - ladies, especially; a true story...!

A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove the.
The cyst removed was filled with a dark colored blood. She thought that she would be recovered after the surgery but! she was terribly wrong.

A relapse occurred just a few months later. Distressed , she rushed down to her gynecologist for a consultation..

During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled her.
He ask if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied yes wondering as to how, he knew of her eating habits..
You see, the truth is in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met.
This need is none other than the need for food.
Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings...
Therefore, it is in these places that the highest concentration of steroids exists.
These steroids have terrifying effects on the body as it accelerates growth..
It has an even more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being more prone to the growth of a cyst in the womb. Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch their diets and to lower their frequency of consuming chicken wings!

People, who receive this email, please forward it to your friends and loved ones. I am sure no one wants to see him or her suffer!
Sharon How

SingaporeMedical Association
Tel: (65) 6223 1264 (65) 6223 1264 , ext. 22
Fax: (65) 6224 7827
Email: sharon@sma.org
. sg



老板:到了第三年,我越来越不知道如何考取高分。很多题目都要背了回答长长像写作文这样,很少算的,跟第一年相反。例如今天我拿到atomic and nuclear physics的考卷,我只拿30多分/100,题目要我们写thonsom的experiment,我没有去背,我只读过而已,为什么要问这么不重要的东西。然后又问我们写出De Broglie的hypothesis,50分,我就写我所懂的咯,还加我从feymann lecture读来的和moden physics和quantum mechanics读来的。可是他只给我20分,理由是我写的lecture note没有,他要看到的是从lecture note来的,他说因为如果他给我分会对其他只读lecture note的不公平,他要公平竟争。他还挑战我如果要这样,第二个考试他出他没有教过的,要我读全部xray crystalography的书,第二个考试他出xray crystalography,因为xray crystalography有在atomic的syllybus。这样的讲师也有。。。semiconductor我也只拿16分/100,糟糕,他改的非常严。我懂semicon可是我没有背。请您指点我和辅导我。


但是,对这些美好的事情最好你别奢望太多。它们基本上这是不存在的。大部分成功的学者,在最根本上都是自学而成功者,老师的教学只是锦上添花罢了。 考高分是每个学生的理想,因种种不平等、不合情理的原因而考不到高分,就垂头丧地,信心受打击,看上去你的不满似乎合情合理。老师要学生死背,背不来的就地枪毙,造成变相鼓励学生不用大脑去创造性地思维学习,打击学生的学习热忱。你很委屈吗?







04 September 2009 6:48

Prof. Lee's paper on high Tc superconductivity

I am delighted to read Prof. Lee's long waited paper: Non-linear Localized Lattice Mode Coupling Mechanism and the Pseudogap in High-temperature Superconducting Cuprates'.

It may be his last paper in USM but I strongly wish that it is not his last. There are still many follow up he can pursue, esp. if the paper could successfully arouse serious attention from the superconducting community. I suddenly feel sentimentally regretted of the fact that he is leaving the school of physics very soon, and I have not made good use of the opportunity to learn more condensed physics from him.

I am a slow learner who only picks up bits of condensed matter physics here and there inconsistently. Hence my comment on the details is at best like a pedestrian's. I recall in many occasion he mentioned to me the general ideas of his theory, with some key words like non-harmonic mode phonon-electric interaction, pseudo- gap, Hubbard model,
Jahn-Teller effects and things like that. These technical details are now seen in the black-and-white form.

I pay particular attention to the statement in his paper the need for further numerical investigation of the model. I am slowing picking up some computational techniques here in TU Delft. Here I have been exposed to various computational techniques in condensed matter and statistical physics, such as
monte carlo and quantum monte carlo techniques. My hope is to learn as much as generic computational techniques so that I can be technically competent to perform numerical computation on interesting condensed matter systems. (At the moment I am still far from computationally competent to attack serious research topics except maybe those of undergraduate level textbook problems.) Hence I am constantly looking for candidate Hamiltonians which I can make as topics worthy of investing computational effort in the future. As a matter of fact, the Hamiltonians in his papers are my favorite 'target', especially when they contain much avenue that are difficult to explore analytically.

I must admit that I lack much of the physics insights as Prof. Lee have demonstrated. But somehow I also naively thinks that to solve a given Hamiltonian numerically (such as his extended
Hubbard model) is an easier task than deriving and providing physical insight of it. Somewhere in the literature review process I read about simulating Hubbard model numerically. It seems to be quite an interesting and a much challenging topic which is computationally expansive, and can run into (computer) memory problem easily. Non-trivial algorithms are necessary to simulate even the simplest Hubbard model (with more than a few degree of freedoms) using Lanczos diagonalisation or density matrix renormalisation group method or things like that. My feeling is that
computational Hubbard-like model is an enterprise by itself in computational statistical physics. To study his extended Hubbard Hamiltonian could even be a more daunting but not impossible task. I would not dare to say that I am capable of doing it, but I keep an open mind to attack this problem in the future.

Prof Lee once mentioned a question: why is his long term research unfunded and no research students? I would like to comment on the 'no research students' part. We all know that the current undergraduates are seriously under-trained during their undergraduate years. There are also many pragmatic reasons rendering them to chicken out from taking up challenging research topics like his which are considered 'super hard-core'. However, I would also like to add that this is in principle not a problem. We simply need more good marketing strategies to 'lure' potential students, and also lots of patient in guiding them.



〉〉Fw: Fwd: Fw: 密宗算命喔 ~超準...我自己也有算...有點嚇到 @@]








07 September 2009 21:07












我:热力学第二定律说封闭系统的熵(无序程度的量物理)只会随时间增加,不会减少,这你不知道吗?你最好别告诉人家说你念物理; 告诉了,也别告诉人家你在理大念物理;告诉了,也别告诉人家你曾在我班上念过物理。告诉了,也别告诉人家你考试时曾在我手下活过下来。。。


11 September 2009 2:44

Experiece of sabbatical leave application

The process is easy. Just download the form from the website and wait. The form is very simple to fill, only 1 or two page.

Then think of a suitable research title and some decent research proposal (maybe this is not even required). Fill in tentatively any overseas hosts you have in mind. It is not necessarily for you to obtain their prior consent or approval when you put down your candidate hosts' names and institutes in the form. The host(s) can be changed anytime two months before your actual leave begins. Of course the best is to already have a definite confirmed research proposal and host at the time you fill up the form. But as already said, this is not necessary at the early stage. It's advised that you should contact any potential hosts as early as possible (but sometimes too early is also not convenient for the hosts). I suggest 6 months ahead before your actual date of sabbatical leave.

If you have no definite research proposal, then make one up yourself. USM only needs your research title and is not going to ask you for any detailed proposal. So I reckon that research proposal and research title in the form is only for cosmetic purposes.

The advice is to fill in a host in a most expensive country. Also state the date to stay there for the maximum period, 9 months usually. This is to ensure that USM management people allocate the maximum amount of money for your sabbatical leave when they prepare their budget. Doing so may save you some unnecessary trouble later (e.g if you were to ask for a lesser allocation now but to change it to a more expansive ones, bureaucrates upstair may find trouble with you later). There is a list of the amount of allowence paid based on the countries you spend your leave. Either you obtain this list from the human resource webpage or ask the human resource personnel in your school to provide you with this list. As far I know western and northern European and Japanese cities got a higher allowence. For Holland my allowence is around euro 1150 per month, which is sufficient for a single person, where my accommodation is 630 euro per month. I think they allowence is higher a bit in London or Paris or New York.

I only confirm my host in the very last moment, e.g. about 3.5 months before my leave. The easier way to get a host is normally to ask the research institute you were associated with or have visited. Before I come to Delft for my sabbatical leave, I have no contact or known any of the people here. I simply wrote to a researcher here and he just agree to host me. That's my good kamma.

Cheers, to a 40-to-be woman

Dear A Lin,

The best way to solve your problem is to live in the moment and embrace a casual heart in facing any situations. I embrace change, and take aging process an promotion to the next stage in life where I become wiser, more matured, more contented and getting closer to the truth of life. I do not see it an regrettable even but a benchmark of alleviation of my life quality.

Many things in life are a result of our proactiveness. In other words, you create your own life and the conditions that lead you to the ideal situation you prefer best. I realise that if I allow my state of mind and happiness to depend on external factors too much, I am at the same time deprive myself of a peaceful and blissful mind.

I talk a lot after reading from you not because I like to lecture or to show you I am more superior, but just to tell you in another way that I too see and realise the existence of the same problems as you face when advancing towards age 40. But I take proactiveness to turn the external factors around instead of allowing then to take charge of my state of mind. I wish to make my mind to lead instead of allowing the external surrounding to.

Cheers, to a 40-to-be woman.

18 September 2009 21:09

Physics ideas inspried in London

I was in a state of intellectual bliss since Monday as I have arrived in Imperial college to attend a five-days summer school on DFT with CRYSTAL code. In the past few years (may be 2 years or so) I have had many doubts and uncertainties in DFT calculation. This summer school is so far the most satisfying short course I ever attended, and I think I have absorbed the knowledge like a sponge soaking fully in water. After talking to many people in the field during the summer school I gain a much improved idea what's going on, and how people are doing research with DFT. A whole lot of research ideas have emerged in my mind of how to proceed with my proposed research projects, as well as generating new ones. I realise what are the knowledge I had insufficiently. On the other hand I also have realised that I am not as weak as I have imagined. Computational physics is really a very powerful method, and its not actually that hard as particle physics.

The most serious insufficiency I had is my very weak basic in quantum mechanics, solid state physics and advanced statistical physics. Over the last one week I really wish that I could have done better for my basic quantum mechanics and statistical physics, which are tremendously important for any serious research in such fields. Fortunately my few months in Delft have allow me to read a bit more on quantum mechanics, and I think I have improved much on my technical knowledge in the computational aspect of quantum mechanics. In the past I don't even know how to solve a slightly more advanced quantum system other than hydrogen atom or finite step wells. A few years back I don't even know what variational method and perturbation methods are. But now I have learned up who to write diffusion Monte Carlo code to solve 3D harmonic oscillators, and am in the process of extending the code to calculate a 9D Josephson junction array that can act as a qubit. If the code is a success, I would be tremendously happy because it proves that I have at least understood some specific technique to solve complicated quantum mechanics.

It seems that I am really hooked to computational physics, with a simple reason: I can understand them and solve them by writting Fortran code. Thijssen is a very dedicated teacher who has won a major teaching prize. The prize reflects the fact the he is very patient and kind heart-ed person. I learn slowly but also steadily from him and from my own effort.

I have read the Prof. Wang of NUS web page
at http://staff.science.nus.edu.sg/~phywjs/cttpnotes.html, bookmarked it, and downloaded some of his material for future reference. When I went thru his webpages and course material I can't resist my excitement. He is just like another Thijssen, perhaps 'deeper'.

The field of computational physics is so vast and full of opportunities. There are many real problems that can be solved using computational methods. In the last few months, I have been thinking of what I can do with it. I realise that one must have hands-on practical knowledge in making real complicated code using advanced programing techniques. I think I have learned many such skill which were very mysterious to me, e.g. Makefile, or calling Netlib library with Fortran. My successful coding experience of DMC for the textbook-standard 3D quantum oscillator has provided much impetus to strengthen my confident in code writing.

Another research topic that have aroused much of my interest is Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD). There are many things these kind of codes can do, and it is conceptually simple. An American colleague in TU Delft commented that molecular dynamics are simply complicated but not difficult. One just needs to have a good book keeping on the particle's track. I recall that it took me only about a night to code my prototype 3D MD code for a simple gas system. Usually I am slow and take many days to write a code. Yet I manage to code it over a night. =b

I am now thinking of many different research topics to do: Diffusion Monte Carlo to solve high-dimensional quantum mechanical problems, modelling of phase transition using Monte Carlo and MD, modelling of phase transition using DFT and first principle thermodynamics, modelling of defects using DFT and first principle thermodynamics.

I recall that when I lasts visited NUS sometimes ago, I hear for the first time the word 'molecular dynamics'. Then I did not even understand what they meant by this terminology, and what is its relation to DFT. So are the jargons like `supercell', 'modelling of defects' etc. When I look back, I am indeed pleased that all those very remote concepts are now sufficiently (at least subjective) understood. =b

The summer school ends in Friday, and I began my lone London exploration beginning Saturday. The Museum of Natural History and the Albert and Victoria museum are just located really 'next door' to Imperial College. These are great museums, but they are totally no comparison to the famed British museum (at least for my personally). I am glad that I didn't skip the museum visit as I originally plan. I walked around the city alone using a cheap tourist guide since 9 am this morning. Now is already nearly 12 am and I am still not exhausted, except a bit hungry.

21 September 2009 6:59






29 September 2009 6:48

My brain has more knowledge then in the previous night

Mainly my life here is to work as much as possible to build up strong foundation for my later development in research career. Recently I have generated lots of inspiration for research ideas and project proposal due to increasing degree of understanding on how to proceed with the computation techniques. I am in the progress of building my own 'paper-publishing factory'. So far so good. I see good progress in the building of the factory as my skill and knowledge in computational physics are increasing daily, so is my confidence. I got a half-finished research project a few years ago in USM on FDTD calculation due to inspiration supplied by Ah Loong. Despite the fact that I have not finished that project I realise how much the code-writing and computer-related experience has fortified my skill in the field of computational physics i am working on now.
It's a kind of computational project far far away from my original field of study (HEP) - diffusion quantum
Monte Carlo calculation of Josephson junction array as flux quibit. Pride and happiness always accompany me every night when I climb up to the sleeping bed because my brain usually has more knowledge then in the previous night. I am now dealing with many kind of hardcore physics, particularly QM and computational statistical model, which are stuff that I never dare to touch due to the fact that I never understood them in the past. But these days having been exposed to much of these topics, I find them to be the perfect fields I want to dive in. It's much more easier than HEP, and I do it with high degree of enjoyment. An increasingly clearer agenda for my research career is taking shape now. I latex my research ideas and proposal and upload them to my web page for later convenience. Once these plans are laid down, the problems become equivalent to half-solved. I envisage a prolific publication era for myself to come.

30 September 2009 16:08











30 September 2009 19:32



“答复: 大家認住這個人!!!他媽的賤人! (some low lifes) - 可耻的女
人!!!”、“主题: Fw: PLEASE READ.. ”



拜托请别把我的邮址放在你发垃圾邮件的mailing list里面。我猜你真的可能很闷,百般无聊才被逼乱发垃圾邮件的。不如你去从事一些比较有永恒价值或意义的事吧,比如去迟钝儿童中心当义工,顺便客串痴呆。。。



01 October 2009 17:22

My computational physics research agenda

As a showcase, I have already established my own cluster using 3 PC linked with a switch (this cluster is called 'comsics',you can access it at http://comsics.usm.my/), which currently has a total of only 6 CPU. With the experience of successfully setting up comsics, I am now quite confident that setting up a larger cluster is not technically difficult at all. It is in principle quite easy to scale up the cluster to have more CPUs. Acluster is different from a workstation or a server which are generally faster but more expansive. A cluster is comprised of many units of commercial PCs linked up by network switch. The major advantage of a cluster (as compared to a single PC or a workstation) is that we can run parallel job for large computational calculation, which may takes weeks on a single PC or a single workstation. The other advantage is that clusters are much cheaper in terms of performance/cost, and is a general trend in computational physics community (people don't buy more expansive high-end workstation, instead they buy more ordinary PCs to build larger cluster). This is the most ideal option for us in USM School of Physics - good computational power at affordable cost. In addition, the cluster is flexible: the component desktop PC can be used by an individual user when the cluster is not running parallel job. So, in this sense, we have many new PCs for our users, and in time of need, the PCs can be turned into a parallel machines that run large computational jobs. We can also run the calculation via remote log-in despite the fact that the cluster is located physically in the theory lab. For example, I submit my diffusion monte carlo code to run on comsics (physically located in theory lab, USM) via internet (while I am in the Netherlands).

My consultants in the grid lab in computer science constantly advise me on the technicalities related to the setting up of the cluster computational facility as proposed above. According to the quotation obtained by my consultants in grid lab, their supplier earlier quoted them RM 20k for a 32 core cluster consisting of 8 units clone desktop PC. To set up a large cluster, we also need space to accommodate the desktop PCs, some extra power points and good airconditioning. For budgeting purpose, I propose RM 80k for setting up a cluster computing facilities for intensive computational simulation in theoretical physics projects.

Any proposal to buy such computing facilities must be supplemented with justification. The main justification comes from the our need to run calculation for our projects. For my own case, I do have many research projects that require intensive use of heavy computational resource (discuss below).

I take this opportunity to propose an agenda I have in mind: a proposal to set up a Computational Physics Expertise within the Theory Group. This is a plan to develop professional expertise that focuses on computational physics simulation projects. Currently I have many projects proposal (on-going ones as well as under plan), e.g. first principle calculation of ZnO native defect formation, direct and monte carlo molecular dynamics of structural phase transition of phenol-amines adducts, diffusion quantum monte carlo calculation of Josephson Junction Arrays as qubit, first principle calculation of interaction between electromagnetic waves with crystalline system, and others (you can check my project proposals uploaded in my webpage,
http://www2.fizik.usm.my/tlyoon/research.html, but there are still some more inspired research proposals in my mind that have yet to be uploaded). In the long run, I wish to train up experts (including anyone from within the theory group) who wish to master hardcore techniques in computational method, e.g. parallel programming and other linux-based programming skills. The proposed expertise unit will function as an expert unit capable of performing numerical calculation for real physics problems, such as molecular dynamics simulation, first principle calculation for quantum chemistry and crystalline systems, monte carlo simulation, quantum monte carlo calculation, computational material science, Finite Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) calculation for propagation of electromagnetic waves in diffractive medium by solving Maxwell equations from first principle, etc. These mentioned calculation methods are projects I am currently undertaking.

The other major intention for the proposed computational expertise unit is to create strategic collaboration with other experimental groups in USM (X-rays cyrstallography group, NOR lab, quantum chemistry group in PPJJ and PPSK). We will help them to model the experimental results. The collaboration between experimentalists and theorists are not a norm in USM. The proposed effort of setting up a computational physics expertise unit within the theory group can help bridging this gap. I am confident that there are many experimental data from the NOR lab and X-ray lab can be modeled with first principle calculations or other computational techniques. For example, the structural phase transition observed in phenol-amines adducts is in principle model-able using either monte carlo or direct molecular dynamics. The XRD spectrum or Raman spectrum on GaN or ZnO samples can be quite routinely simulated by constructing supercell models with DFT code. So are those novel X-ray cyrstallographic structures of organic crystal solved routinely in the X-ray lab can be calculated using DFT codes. The proposed expertise unit will develop all the necessary expertise, in particular first principle calculation methods, to compliment the research investigations carried out in our experimentalist colleagues' lab.





〉〉好了,下次再给你报告新闻,等下还有可怕的solid state考试。。。bye bye。。。














今天早上,收到短讯,一位常一起研究学术的工程师朋友突然心脏病往生了,才32岁。我们常在USM附近的mamak stalls讨论八卦易学、离散数学、数码数据处理等理论,蛮以为等着我回去时可以继续我们的研究大业的。现在他要自己在另一世自己做了。生命真的只在呼吸间。这是我在荷兰通过短讯从马来西亚传来的第二单死亡通告了。过去的不到一年内,前前后后我所知的人去世的算算,竟然还不在少数。就当着是佛陀要我修行更精进的催促吧。




我们之间还有很多没有完成的学术研究合作,包括易学与descrete mathematics,都还没结果,他人就去了。一时很多点滴涌上心头。






Application for a P.hD position in the US: My experience

For US graduate school normally an applicant does not need to apply for the scholarship, as they will consider it at the time an applicant submit his application for a PhD position. This is normally the case but individual graduate school may have their own arrangement. So the best way to not to miss any possible scholarship is to browse through the web pages of the graduate schools one is applying to see if the applicant needs to submit a separate application for scholarship. If an applicant is in doubt, it's best to write to the person in charge directly, informing he/she that you are lodging an application for a PhD with their university, and request them if you would need to submit a separate application specifically for the scholarship. However, as I mentioned earlier, normally the applicants don't need to submit a separate application for scholarship. Once a graduate school accepts you, they will also take into account your eligibility of a scholarship. If they think you are qualify their offer of PhD position will come with a scholarship. In other words, the offer of scholarship is automatically. If they think an applicant is not eligible for a scholarship but only a P.hD position, they will just offer you the position without a scholarship. In most cases if an applicant is not offered a scholarship the university will usually offer some forms of financial arrangement e.g. in the form of teaching assistantship (TA), which should be enough to cover the applicant's living expenses.

I have no explicit knowledge of scholarship for a Ph.D in US by Malaysian institutions. The only thing i have heard of is the Maxis scholarship. Recently I have met with a few students from Cambridge University in UK who studied PhD with the maxis scholarship. I also heard of Shell scholarship but the details I am not very sure. Another possibility is the local Malaysian universities who offer academic staff training scheme (I think it is called RLKA or something like that). In cambridge for example I met with a few Malaysian Chinese lecturers who are sponsored by UTM and the newly established Melaka University. These students were taken by these universities on a lecturer training scheme. The Universities sponsor them to study Ph.D in Cambrige, and after the graduation they will go back to their respective universities as lecturers.

As I am not in the scholarship business my information about the scholarship information for Ph.D is very much limited. But i do believe that there are many such scholarships available from within Malaysia or in US itself. The problem is how to find out these resources. Unfortunately I don't have much info on this. It is the applicant's job to find out these scholarships resources from either the internet, or posing questions to the web pages maintained by Malaysian students society or organisation who may provide further info on this. My best advice is still the same: find the scholarship resources yourself in the internet. An Malaysian applicant have to learn this trick as it is utmost important for his/her survival in the future. An ambitious applicant has no choice but to learn up how to find his/her own information resources to realise his/her ambition. Our Malaysian students may score good grades in the exam. But real life requires more soft skill than just scoring exams.

When I did my US application for a P.hD position some years ago, I had no one to ask for help, not did I any idea where to apply for scholarships or financial assistance. However I was able to manage the application process until I obtained around 5 offers from US universities, of which one even offered me a full scholarship. I remembered that I spend a few months of time (during my job as a full time lecturer in KDU Penang) to search for all relevant information on the web when the internet was really slow (in year 1998). Then I was also very ignorant about where to find my financial resource, and I also faced huge obstacles during the process of application. Indeed, the current applicants who seek my advice are luckier than me as they got someone to guild them along the application (I had no one to guild me at all). But still I was 'successful' in getting a few P.hD position offers at the end. I attribute my success to my initiative to search the net, to ask, to write and to do many trials and error. During the process I used my intelligence and analytical skill to think hard of how I should handle this task. So, despite my lack of advices from experienced people (well, actually I did receive some not-so intensive advices from my UM senior who were studying in Notre Dame then), I gathered much first-hand experience on how to handle the application procedure. I don't have much resource, but still I manage to generate it myself without much assistance from others.
IF an applicant were to exercise more independent initiative to handle this task him/herself, he/she too can generate his/her own resource. If one does, then success will finally be his/hers.









他们问你何时重考托福,或许是一桩好事,这样你才会‘怕’而逼使自己进行严格的闭关。如果你不够‘怕’,可以多做猪尾忠似的下场的mental rehersal。

最后,请做好最坏的心里准备,同时要有一个plan B。可能的局面是:你的哈佛申请最后会被拒绝,但哥伦比亚、Oregon、(还有一间我忘了)可能会录取你。对此局面,你得有个应对的方案(接受?重新申请?)。最坏的局面是,你虾米都拿不到。这是我想到的最坏的下场。对这种可能,你也得要有应对的方案(重新申请?全情发展事业?)。

你全心全意、尽心尽力的去争取,然后用平常心来看待结果。You do your best, and let your kamma do the rest.



The root cause of all the devil

It has been a really luxurious time for me to be in Delft. No any duties or any thing to take care of, so much so that there is no need to check the clock which days of the week is. All of my time is used entirely for reading and code writing. This is especially useful for me to rebuild all the necessary physics i have missed in the pass, in particular, QM calculations, theoretical classical mechanics (lagrangian, hamiltonian etc), statistical mechanics, solid state physics, and of course, computational methods. In the past i wasn't very sure of how to do research in many research areas outside particle physics. In many occasion, i can't truly understand many technical details of the materials i was reading, which could be sometimes frustrating.

After some times of constant contemplation during my reading/learning process over here, I found that the root cause of all the devil is simply that my basic knowledge in those hardcore fundamental physics is not enough. I find that many fresh/young graduate students I have met in overseas seem to have no problem to directly dive into their research topics without much trouble. I won't be able to do so when I was a graduate student. Slowly I come to realise that this contrast is happening because my training in fundamental physics at undergraduate level is simply too poor. I lack solid understanding, despite the fact that I did score some A's in certain subject e.g. stat. mech and atomic physics in undergraduate.

Physics for post graduates and undergraduates are thought rigorously, usually with depth and bredth over here. People who handle the subjects are experts in the fields they teach, so the teaching quality in most cases is excellent. This is a very different scenario back home, where lecturers teaching the subjects do not understand the subject, not to mention to make the students to understand.

I was thinking of a `phase transition' kind of leap in both my intellectual and spiritual level during this sabbatical which is going to end in about 1 1/2 months to come. I wasn't so sure if such kind of leap will really happen. But definitely I have gained certain level of intellectual maturity and have patched up certain 'holes' in the necessary fundamental physics knowledge (which was lacking in the past). I understand better my weakness as well as strength too.





